What can I do with Dad's house and not affect medicaid?

by Wayne
(South Carolina )


My 84 year old dad was recently placed into a nursing home, with the medicade application pending. he owes 32,000 on his house, and The fair market value is approximately 51,000... He only brings in about 1200 a month with his SSC payment, and ALL that will be going to medicade to pay for his care.

Bottom line is that he won’t be able to make his house payment. If I sell the house medicaid will take the profit to pay for his care, however what if I was to transfer it to my name and rent it for 5 years?

It just seems strange that the best course of action is to let the bank take the house???


It's true that a Medicaid recipient cannot divert any part of their income toward upkeep of the home, which may be exempt. So either the family pays the note, or it can be rented out to generate income to cover the debt payment each month. (Some states take the position that renting out the house causes the house to lose its exemption for Medicaid purposes, so you need to check that before renting it out.)

If you cannot rent the house, it can always be sold. The net proceeds can then be invested in a pre-paid funeral or burial, a car, or a Medicaid annuity. All such purchases are not gifts and are exempt assets, so his Medicaid eligibility will not be affected.

You can find out more at medicaid secrets.

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Sep 15, 2011
by: Wayne

"Some states take the position that renting out the house causes the house to lose its exemption for Medicaid purposes, so you need to check that before renting it out."

So who or what org would be a good POC to find that info?? The Dept of health & environmental control are not very helpful, the local ?Council on aging? is clueless on that matter and they referred me to the local council of governments who have not returned my call???

Sep 15, 2011
State Medicaid Agency Contacts
by: Gabriel H

Please go to this federal government listing of programs for all the states. Each state's page then has one or more additional links to contact information and detailed program descriptions for the individual state:

State Medicaid Agency Contacts.

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--by Beth Heikkinen
Marquette, Michigan
I just want to thank you for this site. It answered my questions. I think many people that do research on the net take it for granted and when they find what they are looking for they forget "someone put time, money, etc into providing me with this information."

Thank you!

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